Think Think Think

By: Dr. Paul Mach, DN

Think deep. Think hard. Don’t be afraid to question authority, the establishment, television, infomercials, information your parents gave you 1, 10, 20, or 30+ years ago, what your kids tell you, car salesman, or the media and what it states. Question your doctor, your religious leaders, and your government.

QUESTION YOURSELF! Where did this information come from that you base your whole life on? Is this valid data? Are you living a life based on outdated information? Are you living out and manifesting your negative and limiting fears and expectations into the environment you create and live in daily?

Our conditioning process begins as children. Some call this education. Do you remember Pavlov and his dogs? Every time the dogs saw food a bell was rung, and the dogs would salivate knowing they were about to be fed. Eventually no food was offered just a ringing bell and the dogs would still salivate. They no longer had a logical thought process, but functioned mechanically. Where in our lives do we function mechanically, giving up our greatest God/Universal gift the power of freedom of thought, self-expression, and our ability to live life following our passions? You have traded your life for the person you are right now. Was it worth it? The scary part is you continue to sell your soul every day. How cheap is it going for? Are you willing to be in charge of your life, or have you sold out?

Whether we grew up as a hippie, raver, jock, burnout, nerd, or generation X/hipsters/baby boomer or fell into no category, we made early decisions in grade school, H.S. and college about who we were, what we stood for, and what we believed in. We called the shots. We choose our friends and what music we would listen to, where we would pierce ourselves, if we would or wouldn’t party, drink, study, go to college, drop out or become a priest or carny. We had guts to ask, WHY?  We had enough inner strength and power to question the establishment. We had minds of our own.

Just like the Pied Piper led rats through the streets.
We dance like marionettes swaying to the symphony of destruction.

I challenge you. Surprise yourself! Follow your dreams. Be all you can be. THINK, don’t be lead.

Patients often apologize to me for not having followed up with the program that we had established. I can tell by the way they make excuses about lifestyle habits that they feel guilty about what they subject their body to. We have all had that feeling when we know we are doing something that is endangering ourselves yet we continue to do it. We allhave had the opportunity to live in opposition of our intuition. Why do we do this to ourselves? Life is a choice. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Patients are educated on diet, allergens,, supplementation and lifestyle alterations that could halt both acute and chronic pains and suffering. Patients often choose to keep dis-ease alive and well in their life. What is the pay off? How do we win when we allow our suicidal tendencies to rule out over our God given common sense?

have had the opportunity to live in opposition of our intuition. Why do we do this to ourselves? Life is a choice. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Patients are educated on diet, allergens,, supplementation and lifestyle alterations that could halt both acute and chronic pains and suffering. Patients often choose to keep dis-ease alive and well in their life. What is the pay off? How do we win when we allow our suicidal tendencies to rule out over our God given common sense?

Suicidal tendencies are an interesting way to look at the way we exist. As Shakespeare said, “murder will come to light, the truth cannot be hid.”  We think we are infallible. We all will and must pay the piper for our habits and actions. Smoking causes cancer. Not wearing your seat belt opens you up to 75% greater injury risk in an accident. Not drinking 2 quarts of water daily inhibits biochemical processes from occurring in the body. A diet devoid of exercise causes muscular atrophy and a weaker heart, less oxygenated blood and an increased risk of coronary complications, diabetes and cancer. A high fat diet increases your risk of arteriosclerosis. A diet without fruits and vegetables leaves the body deficient in the necessary phytonutrients, fiber and nutrients for the species Homo sapiens to function. Gravity is not just a good idea, it’s a law. We must follow these laws or we will break ourselves upon them.

Just for the fun of it grab a pen and paper. Yes you, grab a pen and paper. This is called the Ben Franklin exercise. Divide the paper in half lengthwise. Since this is a nutrition article we will focus in on health aspects, but this can be done with anything. On the left column list all those things you know that are healthy for you. Be specific in your wording and descriptions. Some broad categories may include more exercise (specifics would be yoga 3x wk, jogging 4x wk), increased fruits and vegetables and what kinds and how much, relaxing or meditating, self help classes or programs and which ones and when, what books need to be read etc. Now in the right column list all the non-beneficial things you do specifically. This may include smoking, too much meat or processed foods, not enough water, too much soda etc. You are smart. Do this to the best of your current abilities. Work at the level you are at. You are responsible for your choices and the knowledge you presently possess. There is no right or wrong there are simply choices of which you are responsible and pay the consequences of.

 Life is a learning process. Start where you are at and progress forward. Look at yourself objectively. Would you allow others to treat you, talk to you (as in our own self-talk) and feed you the way you do to yourself. Most people say no. As illustrated you have a lot more knowledge that you could apply to your life, if only you would do so. You are a culmination of YOUR choices. Make the choices that will be best for you. Your future depends on it, and it is an ugly place to be when I hear a patient say I wish I would’ve, should’ve, could’ve done this or that/I knew better. Unfortunately it’s time to pay the Pied Piper. Dance to the life you and only you have orchestrated.